Robotic Innovations Sprint hos Danfoss Drives

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Robotic Innovations Sprint hos Danfoss Drives

Robotic Innovations Sprint hos Danfoss Drives

Odense Robotics

16. august 2021

Do you want to pitch your solution to Danfoss Drives? And gain a new business or project partner? Danfoss is looking to solve a challenge regarding automation in inbound logistic processes to match a fully automated assembly setup. To do so Danfoss has allied with Odense Robotics Sonderborg Hub in a Robotic Innovation Sprint from 12-13 October. To participate we invite you to submit your ideas no later than 20 September. - More info about the challenge can be seen in the video below - Get a full info packet about the challenge here: INFO-MEETING 24 August Odense Robotics will also host an online info meeting, where you will be able to ask questions to the various technical aspects of the challenge - sign up here:
